No matter where I am, whenever I whip out this bad boy someone comes over to ask what it is. Not just a great conversation starter, the Samsung S4 Zoom is a phone and camera in one.
Hey Big Boy |
I am an iPhone girl through and through, so swapping over to use this as a phone was quite intimidating. On said iPhone, my OCD-self has put all my apps and programs neatly in little folders, everything simple and straightforward. The Samsung had me nervously swiping through the screens, looking at all the pre-installed apps with fear in my heart.
Once I manned up, yoh, this phone is pretty damn awesome. The great big, high-quality screen made my iPhone look puny and old. Mr. Zoom has all the functionality of the S4, but with a 16MP camera and 10X optical zoom, plus some pretty flipping insane in-camera editing.
Check here for a full list of features.
The Zoom:
This is to show you just how close in you can actually get. It's a little creepy stalker.
No zoom. This is where I was standing. |
10x Zoom: Oh look, kayakers. |
10x more Zoom: pixilated but OH HEY! |
A billion Zooms: Come at me bro. |
Crazy ass macro:
Wanna get close up and personal? You can. Very close up.
Yeah, that's an itty bitty fingerprint. |
Night + Motion:
This one is always a toughy AND I didn't use a flash.
In-Camera editor:
Spot the difference. This is the same photo, not cropped, the light was edited out.
Views and stuff. Unedited. Great detail.
10x Zoom from in the bedroom, out the balcony and through the trees |
Food glorious food:
Also unedited. It helps that the food was stunning to begin with.
Food in the dark:
Not as great in the dark, which makes me sad.
There is no way around it, the Samsung S4 Zoom is big and chunky. It isn't particularly light and you can feel it knocking around your handbag. I still use my iPhone as my day-to-day phone, but when I am at events, do reviews or am out somewhere where I know I need great pics, I take the Zoom. At around R7000 for a phone and on-the-go camera in one, it is quite a deal.