I think I have become boring.
I can not think of any witty things to amuse my millions of adoring fans with. Im not sure what is going on, but it seems that my brain has switched off. Maybe I have been over worked this alledged "holiday". Although I still insist that I haven't had one. Yes, thats it. I have been over worked and until the end of the month finally arrives, I am still underpaid.
As my dearest Gran always says in response to a simple "How are you?": "I'm fit, fat, overworked and underpaid". That sums me up pretty nicely. The other day I ate so much that if I didnt know better I would have feared pregnancy. But no, nothing to worry about on that front.
I need a few more days to gather my brain from its various places of hiding, as it is most definately not in one piece. Once I have done so, I will have a bit of a tale to tell about my experience during that "Thing-That-I'm-Not-Allowed-To-Mention-In-Connection-With-That-Thing-Where-People-Kick-A-Thing-Around-On-A-Thing".
I hope the college Bosslady doesn't mind the delay. Maybe she won't notice.