
Procrastination Friday #3

1. Freaky Friday

These 12 Absolutely Terrifying 2 Sentence Horror Stories are quite something. Numbers 1,3,4,7,8 freak me out. Yoh.

2. Life of a Stranger who Stole my Phone

Guy's phone gets stolen. Thief doesn't know the owner set it up to automatically upload photos online. Thief takes photos. Lots of photos. Ex-owner makes blog. LOL.

3. Convos with my 2 year old - The Pants I

Guy re-enacts conversations with his two year old daughter with a fully grown man. FULL OF LOLS.

4. And Convos with my 2 year old - The Pants II

Because sequels are sometimes awesome.

I just played this and I don't even know what the hell just happened. Play to end.

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