
Ode to the Spambot

Ode to the Spambot 
by Kayli Vee Levitan 

O Spambot, on thine Twitter’s T.L, 
Ye stem from countries far and wide; 
From China, Mexico, and Kazakhstan thy dwell
With haste thou breaketh down thine pride. 

Thou bringeth hope of international glory,
 Across the seas mine fans stand tall. 
Upon closer inspection ‘tis a different story.
 And soon mine face begineth to fall.

 O damned Spambot, thou doth not come alone,
 Countless more soon will a’follow. 
As thou creator did numerous clone, 
And mine ego I shalt have to swallow.

 One by one I shalt delete, 
In mine Twitter life thou arte a great bane. 
Thou presence here was but short and sweet, 
Mine follower count is but short again.

 O evil Spambot thou shant be missed, 
Thou fade as “mark as spam” I click. 
Truth be told thou leaveth me rather pissed. 
He whom created thou is a big dick.

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